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Keith showing us a solid stroke on everyone's favorite machine, The Erg.

PC Oscar Bravo


Hey gang!

You may hear your coach tell you over and over again, "DO NOT COME OUT TOO HOT!" This is very much applied to this end of the week WOD. We would rather see you hold a sustainable pace and hopefully increase pace near the end of the WOD, rather than burnout early and then struggle through the rest of the workout.

So today when you take on this challenging WOD, and you hear the "3,2,1, GO!" Take a breath and make sure your execute your reps well, have a breath between each movement. Plan ahead to when your reps will increase to make sure you break up reps to again a sustainable pace.

We forget to breathe sometimes during these long workouts and in a mask even more important to take that pause and breathe.

So try to keep yourself steady and sustainable and then if able kick up a notch in the last few minutes.

Good luck and have fun!

Coach G.



WARMUP: 3 rounds

5-10 sec beat swings

10 kb swings

5 hand release pushups

30 single skips or jumping jacks


19min AMRAP

5 Pullups

5 Burpees

5 Box Jumps

5 Row Calories




Pace it out team, it's going to get tough!

FG2: Step ups, assisted pullups

FG1: Step ups, ring rows

CP1: chest to bar pullups


4 Rounds of Quality Movement

4/4 Single leg RDLs

8 Ring Rows

12 Alternating V-Ups

12 Bent over Reverse Flys


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