Pacing your workout effectively
This week's Open Prep video is all about pacing in workouts... YES it's a thing... and it helps you perform your best! Coach Tia breaks down strategies for pacing and what you want to think about to hit YOUR ideal pace in wods. Take a look!
WARM UP: with an empty barbell x 2 rounds
7 deadlifts, 7 barbell rows, 7 presses, 7 back squats.
2 samson stretches with 2 second holds between each round
Deadlift 7-5-3-7-5-3 E2M
Check back three weeks ago to see your weights and bump up from there. Second wave of reps heavier than the first! Go heavy but not to max, save a bit of juice for the wods ;)
WOD 1: Intervals
Slightly different than what is in the beyond the whiteboard post.
Each interval will be 50 seconds, followed by 1:10 of rest. Have to move FAST and UNBROKEN for the buy in (should be done under 20 seconds)
Each interval is:
10 thrusters (65/95) as a buy in, then AMRAP CTB pullups in the remaining time of the 50 seconds.
Four intervals total!
Rx: ctb FG3: regular fg2: jumping or jumping ctb Fg1: ring rows CP1: bar mussies
Each interval will be 50 seconds, followed by 1:10 of rest. Have to move FAST and UNBROKEN for the buy in!
Each interval is:
10 hang clean and jerks (65/95) as a buy in, then AMRAP double unders in the remaining time of the 50 seconds.
Four intervals total!
FG3: 75/55 FG2: 55/35 Fg1: bar only CP1: 115/75 CP2: 135/95