Partner Comp Incoming!

Mika getting after a row! Photo: Oscar Bravo
Hey all,
It's been a while since we had an official "Vic City Games" and with Christmas rapidly approaching, we likely will be looking to do one early in the New Year. But to fill that void, we've got an IN-CLASS partner competition that will be sure to give you just a bit more motivation going into the holidays.
Here's how it will work:
We'll have three categories - Scaled, Rx, and Comp, and this is Open to ALL Vic City members training in the gym or at home!
Entry is by donation, and we will forward ALL funds to a local charity (Mustard Seed)
Any combo of pairs will work (mm, fm, ff) as long as you're in the same scaling level you're good. All teams in each scaling level will compete against each other!
The Workouts will happen in class Mon-Tues Dec 13-14 and Fri-Sat Dec 17-18. You can use the Open Gym time on Saturday the 18th to re do wods or to make sure you get them all in.
You don't have to be in the same class (or province!) as your partner as long as you get the workouts done. You'll be adding your reps, weights, and times together to get your score for each event
Scores need to be submitted by 9pm on Saturday Dec 18
That's about it! If you have a partner you'd like to match up with, make sure to chat with them and get their contact info so you can coordinate. If you don't have a partner, we'll set up a "singles" board in the gym to match you all up.
We'll have sign up links set up very soon, but we wanted to get the word out early so you'd have time to prepare and match up.
I'm looking forward to it team, should be a fun one!
10 ring rows or barbell rows
5 arm circles forwards and backwards
5 perfect controlled pushups
10 double crunch
SKILL 1: Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between: 6 Handstand Push-ups 8 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Scaling options: hspu holds, scaled rom hspu, wall walks!! For pullups, try regular or assisted banded or jumping or ring rows. You can alter the reps too to find the right amount of challenge
SKILL 2: Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between: 3 Power Snatches 20 Double Unders
Try to build power snatch every 2 rounds ... i.e start light if learning, moderate if skilled already
CP can scale up to 30 du if you want!