Partner WOD and New Fundamentals Class!

Tash emptying the tank in last year's CrossFit Open! PC: Oscar Bravo
Hey team,
With the current restrictions in place, we haven't been doing as many partner wods... but we know you've been wanting to do more! Wednesday - Thursday gives you a chance to take on a fun relay with your best CrossFit buddy. Work quickly, encourage each other, and have a good time!
Also, we're adding a new Saturday Fundamentals class as we've been having quite a few people sign up to join our community. This class will run from 1030-1130am and will feature skills practice and a wod just like the rest of our Fundamentals classes. Share the word and come on out for some practice. We are also looking at some midweek morning Fundamentals times, so stay tuned for that announcement soon!
See you in the gym,
WARM UP: 2 rounds
15 plate floor to overheads
5 cat camels
3 rack pole squats with 5 sec pause + stretch in bottom
5 vertical jumps
First wave of 5-3-1 should be a 7-8/10 effort. The second wave should be 8-9/10 across the board, with a real strong effort on the last set of 5. Keep your form tight!
5-3-1-5-3-1-5 reps, going E2:30 ... Go E3M for the last two sets to make sure you are recovering and can push the last two sets!
every 1:30 for 18 mins do:
Row 250/200 m
Floor Press, 135/95 lbs - amrap in remaining time!
Rest 1:30
6 rounds each - 1:30 work time then rest while your partner goes!
In each 1:30 you have a row buy in then AMRAP reps of floor press in the remaining time
FG3: 75/115
FG2: 65/95, row 200/160
FG1: scale as needed
CP1: 105/155
CP2: 125/185