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Pre Open PT!

Coach Meg getting after some HS walks at the Fraser Valley Throwdown


Many of you have questions about technique, want to learn new skills, or need some direction in terms of your training before the Open. While we can address some of these pieces in class, there isn't the in depth time there to really set you up for continual success.

That's where some targeted PT sessions come in. With your experienced coach, you can target your exact needs and get an extra productive training session in! Chances are, our coaches have been exactly where you are currently and have made it through to the next stage of skill development... in addition to helping LOTS of other people get their skills or fitness dialed.

Our coaches aren't just going to give you another workout, but can also help you figure the ins and outs of:

  1. new skill development

  2. how to adapt in class wods towards your goals

  3. recovery methods and strategies

  4. goal setting

  5. warm ups, prehab and rehab exercises

So with that in mind, we're offering a special price on our 3 session PT package to get you set up for the Open and beyond. We'll run these prices all the way up to and including the Open, so if you want to re-do packages that is totally doable!

Our special rate for these super productive sessions is 175 plus tax, and you can sign up HERE . Once you've signed up, just kick us over an email to and we'll connect you with a coach! You can definitely request the coach you want to work on skills with and also feel free to chat with any one of them about setting something up!

Sign up today and get going on some brand new skills and drills!




WARM UP: Empty barbell "bear"

(power clean - front squat - overhead - back squat - overhead) x 2 reps x 3 sets

Coaches choice of stretch between rounds!!

Strength: Back Squat

5-3-3-3 E230

Last two triples should be pretty tough... not max as we haven't been doing as many back squats recently... just go heavy to keep the strength stimulus there a bit.

Make sure to warm up well prior!

*coaches will split class if more than 5 people*

WOD - 10 minute cap!

For time:

21 Row Calories

12 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs

15 Row Calories

9 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs

9 Row Calories

6 Hang Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs

Your sets on the hang squat cleans should not be do-able unbroken in the first two rounds... so push it just a little bit!

FG3: 115/75

FG2: 65/95

Fg1: 45-55/65-75

CP1: 105/155


FOR QUALITY - 4 rounds each of:

Single leg KB deadlift x 8/leg

Single arm KB Row x 8-12/arm

V situps x 10-20


Only do this for practice and if your back is feeling good!

Alternating EMOM x 5 rounds each

10 deadlifts @ 125/185

10 bar hop burpees


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