PUSH Week Champions

Fundamentals Saturday Crew!! Photo: Oscar Bravo
Well team,
When the dust settled, our PUSH week champions emerged through a battle of attrition. In the RX category, it was highly competitive, with multiple mens and womens competitors vying for the title. In the Scaled and CP divisions, it was a matter of who showed up on those days and logged their scores!
In the end, the three scoring workouts were: FRAN, DT, and FRIDAY!
We simply couldn't have a scoring week without Fran, it is such an iconic workout and a great test of higher rep leg and shoulder endurance. For most of you it was a sub 10 minute workout, with some great top end performances in the 3 min and less range! Coach Tia and Chris VS rewrote the leaderboard scores with new PRs and we saw some huge chunks of time taken off other people's previous bests. Well done all and hopefully your throats have recovered!
DT was our "strength" challenge of the week, so was a good balance to the gymnastics and lighter barbell in Fran. Those of you who pride yourselves on true 1-5rm strength lifts were likely disappointed we didn't have one of those as a scoring wod, but likely there will be next time around! DT of course isn't all about max strength though as the time domain can stretch pretty easily towards 7-10 minutes, by which time the aerobic system is fully engaged.
It was a battle between Nurwor and FRIDAY for the final spot. They both existed at around the same time domain, but what swayed the balance in Friday's favour was that it included more movements. I really DO love a pure endurance test with cyclic movements (i.e. rowing and running) but felt that having the assault bike in the FRiday workout as well as having the other movements made it an excellent all round test.
So with all that said, I hope you enjoyed the week! If you don't see your score listed below it is likely because you didn't enter a score for each wod OR you did different scaling levels of each wod. For PUSH week, and our other in house comps, you'll need to stay in the same scaling level through the whole challenge!
Women: Sam Horan, who not only is a momma to be, is also a fierce crossfitter! She did all three wods at the scaled level and cruised to victory. Next time you think Fran is hard, try doing it with a mini watermelon strapped to your belly! Good work Sam :)
Men: Dustin Bolink brought effort into each of the PUSH week wods, and was also the only Scaled athlete to complete all three scoring workouts. Dustin has been working steadily hard since he joined up a few months ago and shows no sign of slowing down.
Men: Technically no men did all three workouts CP however I figured that Chris VS and Josh L deserve some recognition for taking on the DT wod at the 155lb. Over the three workouts, Chris edged out Josh, with a strong PR on Fran and a 13 second victory over Josh in DT. Great work gents, and I think Josh hitting an Rx Fran of 4:25 is pretty darn awesome!
Chris Van Steelandt CrossFit Vic City
2 mins 30 secs | Rx'd - Fran
16 mins 34 secs | Rx'd - FRiday
Josh Leangen CrossFit Vic City
4 mins 25 secs | Rx'd- Fran
19 mins 25 secs | Rx'd - Friday
Women: Shout out to Krista for taking on full DT and putting in a super impressive time of 7 min and 7 seconds!!
Men: A battle best shown in a chart! These fellas competed strongly, with Tony pulling away partly due to a huge PR in Fran. Great work across the board and Alan finishing with a 16:05 in the Friday workout is pretty mind boggling.

Women: Another tough battle that was impossible to decide after the dust had settled! Strong performances all round by these ladies, with Michelle and Jaclyn leading the way. When all three wods are added up, they had exactly the same overall points AND placings. Normally we would see who has the most first places followed by seconds etc but they both had the same... so both are champions!! Some gutsy scores put in by the other ladies during the week :)

Nice work all, and lets look forward to the next fitness challenge!!
WARM UP: 3 x
4 inchworms
12 glute bridge
8 double crunch
For time:
18 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs 12 Floor Press, 135/85 lbs 12 Strict Pull-ups
15 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs 10 Floor Press, 135/85 lbs 10 Strict Pull-ups
12 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs 8 Floor Press, 135/85 lbs 8 Strict Pull-ups
9 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs 6 Floor Press, 135/85 lbs 6 Strict Pull-ups
6 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs 4 Floor Press, 135/85 lbs 4 Strict Pull-ups
3 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs 2 Floor Press, 135/85 lbs 2 Strict Pull-ups
Below RX, choose appropriate weights, floor press shouldn't be easy, expect to break up 2 times in early rounds.
Rx men: 45+25, take 25's off for floor press
Rx women: USE MENS bar with 15's + 25's. take 25's off for floor press (this will make it 135lb for deadlift adn 75 for floor press)
Rx women strict pullups: 6-5-4-3-2-1
FG3: Kipping pullups, 155/105 for men, 115/75 for women
FG other levels: choose weights, band assisted pullups or Ring rows
CP: 205/185 for men, 155/105 for women
6 RFT: 12 deadlifts, 8/12 hand release pushups, 8/12 assisted pullups or ring rows
10-16 reverse flyes (bent over, use small weight plates 5-10lb)
50' walking lunge
10-16 alternating V-ups