PUSH Week Recap
Hey Team,
At long last the dust from PUSH week has settled and here are the results. Out of the 6 events, I chose 4 to count towards the scoring. All 6 would have been nice but I feel that the ones chosen covered a good spectrum of time domains, loading, and movements.
The scoring wods are:
Event 1: Toes to Bar and Shoulder to Overhead
Event 2: Snatch 3rm
Event 4: Burpee Pullup and max Assault bike calories
Event 6: Run and Hang Power Clean
Well done all, this was a TOUGH week. I tabulated the standings as best I could with several categories having missing scores or misreported scores, so please forgive me if I made mistakes! I included as much as possible people who had three out of the 4 events above.
Men's scaled was all over the map each event, with many different members putting scores in for one or two wods. Three men did some version of scaled for all four wods, and ended up with very close points overall:
Chris Hales 1st place (7 points)
Dustin Bolink 2nd place (8 points)
Don Lacey 3rd place (9 points)
Women's scaled saw a lot of scores through the week, with many people pushing their limits. When all was said and done, three ladies had completed at least 3 wods as written:
Abby Hendy in 1st place
Remee Brown in 2nd place
Victoria Read in 3rd place
The RX category was pretty interesting this round, as the very first wod set the tone for people in terms of deciding what division to enter. The end result was a big cohort in men's and women's RX. Here are the score breakdowns:

Only four gentlemen (and Coach Tia) took on the Comp programming this time around... and not surprising as the level was definitely high across all wods. Here is how it all shook out:

Well done all, and when we do this again (soonish) please try to record your score in the correct category on BTWB... it will make my life a lot easier!
Well done... regardless of the number of wods you did, your placing in them, or what category of scaling you accomplished, you all worked very hard and it was awesome to watch!
Until next time crew!
3 min bike or row
10 plate floor to overhead
8 plate air squats
6 per side plank shoulder taps
12 alternating v ups
SKILL Every 1 min for 10 mins: Thruster
Warm up well then look to build as you go through each minute. Can take the bar from a rack or from the floor
For time:
3 rounds of:
26 Wallballs
26 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs
-- then --
26 Assault Bike Calories
Not the longest, but one of the toughest. Yep, it's assault bike again this week :)
Sprint the finish if you dare
FG2: scale wallball and db weight
FG1: scale as needed
CP: heavy wallball
CP2: heavy wallball and heavy db (45/70)