Reconciliation Day Schedule & WOD
Hello Team,
As you may know, Thursday Sept 30 has been designated as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day will mean different things to each individual, but in general is a day for reflection, recognition and education. We have reduced our class hours to allow for time for our members and coaches to pursue those objectives while still creating an opportunity to train and support an organization that is doing great work with Indigenous youth.
We will run the following classes on Thursday: 6am, 930am, 12, 4, 515. For every person that attends class, Vic City will donate $10 to Thunder Indigenous Rugby. Thunder Rugby is a locally founded organization that promotes rugby for Aboriginal youth, hosts annual tournaments, and funds opportunities for teams to travel and experience rugby in other countries.
We have a connection to this group through Phil Mack (brother to the famous Leah Mack), who has been a longtime advocate and coach for Thunder Rugby. Phil is a longtime standout player for James Bay along with a storied career on Canadian national 15s and 7s teams.
Thursday's wod will be the workout "215 Innocent Children", created by Indigenous CrossFit athletes Roger Boyer and Kris and Kristin Sylliboy. This will be a different workout than the Wednesday training. Please come out and take on this wod in honour of all children who were lost to or survived the Residential School system, and wear orange if you have it.
Here is the wod for Thursdays classes:
Training Monday Tuesday
Warm up: 3x
Cossack squat x 4/side
Spiderman lunge with twist x 3/side
Inchworms x 2
Back Squat 12-10-8-6
Bit longer rest on these, so feel free to push the weight a bit!
Build each set. Rest 2:30 between sets.
This workout is about technique refinement and strength foundation. Don’t rush, move though with precision and aim to get better at each movement!
Scale all movements as needed
Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 mins of:
12 Alternating Pistols
8 Strict Toes-to-bars / High hanging knee raises
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunges
8 Ring Rows
12 Single Leg Rdl (Kb/Db)s