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Saturday Open Gym!


Some super exciting news here! We knew a lot of you were interested in getting in some Open Gym time, and that was even more evident when we sent out the October survey.

So we listened to you guys, brainstormed some ways to make it happen, and now it is HERE!

Starting this Saturday, from 1:45 to 7:55pm, there will be 70 minute bookable spots for you to practice all the things you've been wanting so badly to take on. This time frame allows for 5 groups to come through, with a 5 minute break between groups.

To start with, we are capping the capacity at 6 people per 70 minute spot so that we can be extra sure that social distancing is maintained. We also expect that there may be more variety in the movements that people are doing within each session, which will require a bit more space.

To oversee these Open Gym times and to keep you all in check, we've just brought on the talented Mr. Matty Poon to be our Weight Room Attendant! I'm super excited to have Matty in this role and I'm sure you will be too.

To book a spot, the fee is $6 per 70 minute session. You can book them individually each week, OR add a $24 recurring membership onto your current membership (which gives you a free 5th Saturday in certain months!). You can book a spot 1 week in advance, just like our regular memberships.

Here is the link to do a single drop in:

Here is the link to do an add on to your membership:

We're really excited to be able to offer you guys this extra time in the gym to get your training done and to help you achieve your goals.

See you soon,




WARM UP: 3 rounds:

30 single skips

15 plate floor to overheads

10 air squats

SKILL: Power Clean + 3 Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1

Go E2M and build as you go to a heavy set of the complex by the end. That being said, your first set should not be easy - aim to make the most of each set as you go!


For time:

25-20-15-10-5 of American KBS 35/53

50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders

10-10-10-10-10 Hand Release Push-ups

Aim to go as unbroken as possible!

FG2: scale kb weight, 5 du + remainder as single skips

FG1: scale kb weight and pushups as needed

CP1: 44/70 OR KB snatches, HSPU

CP2: 44/70 Snatches, strict hspu

Strength Accessory (time allowing):

5 rounds for quality of:

6 Deficit Box Step Offs (watch video - don't push off floor with "down" leg)

8 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

10 Barbell Curls


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