Skills Class Tracks in BTWB!

Hello Team,
As you likely know, we have two types of skills classes per week - Weightlifting and Gymnastics. These classes, which are offered on Tuesdays (WL) and Thursdays (gym) give you extra practice in those movements and will help you progress to higher levels of difficulty in workouts. The more you practice a skill, the more efficiency you can gain from it, and these classes offer lots of practice!
These sessions are now being entered into Beyond the Whiteboard, which is great for tracking your progress over time. These are also a good resource if you are training at home or can't make the skills class times (930am and 630pm).
To view these extra workouts on beyond the whiteboard, you'll have to "follow" their respective workout "tracks". The easiest way to do this is by using the BTWB app on your phone. Here are the steps:
Click on the app to open it
Tap the three line menu bar at the top left of the screen
Click on Settings (at the bottom of the dropdown menu)
Click on "follow tracks" and select the ones you want to follow
Now once you do this, you'll see stuff pop up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Because it is on those days, you'll know it's the skills work (and it's also labeled as such).
Thats it, you're all set and ready to break through to new levels of performance! The 2022 Open is less than 100 days away so it's time to get dialed in :)
Use a moderate weight and aim to have very high accuracy and fluidity!
WOD: Intervals
Move quickly and smoothly to get to the doubles on this one... scale to try to get about 20-30 sec on the du's
5 rounds, 1:30 each, for max reps of:
8 Kettlebell Taters, 53/35 lbs
10 Kettlebell Goblet Alternating Reverse Lunges
8 Burpees
max reps in remaining time Double Unders
Rest 2 mins
FG2: 18-26/35-44
CP1: 1 triple under to start each du round, doubles after that!