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Taking the Leap

Intense training, fun times, and good friends... It's what we're about! PC: Oscar Bravo

I still remember my first trip to a "real" CrossFit gym. I walked into a gritty, rough looking, no frills "box" and felt a pretty potent mixture of excitement and anxiety. At the same time though, I knew instantly that I was where I should be.

Having worked out in a regular gym for the prior year, me and my few CrossFit friends were always the odd ones out. We'd have to re-arrange equipment, watch over stations we were moving to next, and generally put up with the stares of people doing more standard types of exercise. It was fun, but it wasn't ideal by a long shot.

I've felt that same mix of excitement and nerves every time I've visited a CrossFit gym. On our vacations, I seek them out, just to see what each box is like and to get a good workout in. Every time, I'm glad I went, even though taking that first step in brings a bit of intimidation.

Each box is essentially the same in terms of the people that gather there. There are different flavors and intensities and focal points of training, but the people are uniformly welcoming. Everyone who has done CrossFit workouts knows the effort and dedication it takes, and I believe that shared experience creates a bond between all of us.

So for those of you who are looking to start CrossFit or are looking to get back into it, take the leap. You'll find that our community is supportive, hard working, and will genuinely welcome you in. Once you're in the mix, you'll be glad you came, I'm sure of that.

See you soon,





2 samson lunge

4 cossack squats

6 barbell clean and press

8 double crunch


5 rounds for time of:

8 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs

8 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

16/12 Hand Release Push-ups

Pick a deadlift weight that you can do relatively unbroken or in chunks of two sets after the first round, same for the pullups.

FG3: 155/105, regular pullups

FG2: 75-85/113-135, modified pushups and pullups

FG1: Scale wod as needed

CP1: 155/225, 12 CTB, 8 hspu per round

CP2: 185/265, 8 bar MU + 8 strict hspu


3 rounds for time of:

30/20 Assault Bike Calories

30 Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs

FG3: scale db weight to 25/40

FG2: 20/14 cals

FG1: Scale distance and weight as needed

CP1: 40/60

CP2: 50/70


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