The Most Open Open
Hey all,
This year's crossfit open signals a new beginning in a lot of ways. Crossfit has taken huge strides in the past 4 months and it shows already in the community / affiliate engagement, diversity initiatives, and in the first stage of the crossfit games season, the crossfit open.
This years open will feature two new masters divisions (60-64, 65+), as well as 8 new adaptive divisions. Adaptive athletes have been training and competing for many years in Crossfit, with the annual mega festival "wodapalooza" having created a competitive platform for them since 2015. This is the first year however that adaptive divisions will be in the Crossfit open, and it is such a great thing that they now have a platform in the biggest fitness competition in the world.
Due to the challenges that 2020 posed and 2021 continues to provide, I expect that the Open roster will be a bit down this year globally. That doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for our best and it certainly doesn't mean that it is any less meaningful.
Here's a short video from crossfit hq detailing a bit more about the open this year, and what it is for ALL of us who pursue well rounded fitness!
10 plate floor to overhead, 6 dowel/bar hang snatch pull, 4 dowel/bar overhead squat, knee to pillar (ankle mobility) x 6/side
4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2 E2M
Obviously a lot of sets here, so start conservatively through the 4's, heavier through the 3s but no misses, then push the 2's a little bit towards the end.
Choose a maintainable number of reps to move through in mostly "practice" mode. We had a tough week last week so this is an opportunity to get some quality reps in without too much fatigue.
Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:
8 Alternating Pistols
10 Pull-ups
12 Box Jumps
14 V Sit-ups
Scale to pistols to a box or band, pullups to banded or jumping, box jumps to step ups, v situps to double crunch
CP: ctb pullups, can do ttb if your hands are okay