The New New Covid protocols
Emily showing us what virtuosity looks like! PC: Oscar Bravo
Hello all,
Just last night, additional health orders were put in place that weren't fully communicated until about 2:30pm today. The guidelines are a bit murky but it is our intention to follow them as closely as possible while still providing service to you all.
It is my belief that mental health and physical wellbeing are as important now as they ever have been. I have felt the emotion and energy from our members more so recently than throughout this year, so we need to keep the ball rolling. Stopping the Covid virus is of primary importance though so we are shifting to provide the best situation possible given the current conditions.
The health order requires that 'group' training be put on hold for a short while, during which time the health authority will be working on guidelines for opening those types of sessions back up. During this time however, recreation centres are continuing to operate with booked time, personal training is fine, and individual workouts are also permitted.
So with those stipulations, we are going to remain OPEN, however we will not be running any group sessions. You can come in and train in whatever booked time you have, but you will have to generate your own program for that day. For the sake of capacity in classes, please only come in for one session in each two day period as you would normally.
If you have personal training sessions, you can continue those, and our Saturday Open Gym will remain as is also. We are continuing with Zoom classes with coach Heather so that is an option as well.
For now, we are going to limit training to strength and skill work that can be done in your blue grid and the pullup bar immediately adjacent to it. No ring work on the high rings, and no hspu. We are hoping to bring both of those back early next week when the new guidelines are released.
Given that we are working from a training template, there are themes that we are working with each day. You can use those themes to design your workout or you can come up with your own skills and drills to practice. Here are the themes for the end of this week.
Wed-thurs: Deadlift, overhead press, and single leg work
Fri- Sat: Overheaad squats, hang power cleans, front squats
Your coaches will be on hand for general safety, helping with technique, and ensuring that Covid protocols are followed. They can also give you individual guidance but will not be running the session as a class per se. As before, everyone will be wearing masks for the duration of the session and you will be expected not to do activities that result in a heavy amount of breathing.
There are signs that these restrictions may be short lived, and it is possible that we will be back to metcons sometime in the near future if we work together. So please adhere to the above so that we can all continue to train even with the current guidelines in place.
As always, stay home if you have ANY symptoms, wash your hands, wear your mask and stay socially distanced.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Let's keep moving team, and do it safely together.
Cam and the Vic City team.
Self directed, open gym, individual training. Strength and skill only, keep longer rests and breathing depth and intensity down please.