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Great meat and potatoes here... back squats and a chipper! Have fun :)

Old school but still cool...



WARM UP: 2 x

5 kang squats

10 knee to wall/post per side (dorsiflexion)

5 cobras

10 plate floor to overhead

SKILL: Back Squat 12-10-8-6-15, rest 2:30

Not the easiest series in the world! Take the 12-10-8 as moderate then hit the 6 and last 15 hard!!

Try to best your sets from about three weeks ago.

WOD: chipper!

Not as long as you think it's going to be! Try to take short breaks on the calisthenics and snatches, move steady on the rows (not easy!) and finish hard on the last pairing of snatches and rows... your goal is to get on the row as quickly as you can once you're into those snatches. Good luck!

For time:

30 Pull-ups

30 Row Calories

30 Toes-to-bars

30 Row Calories

30 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, 50/35 lbs

30 Row Calories

Use your legs as much as possible on the row!

FG2: scale weight of db, jumping or assisted pullups, hanging knee raise

FG1: scale reps to 20 for all

CP1: Ctb pullups, Kb Snatch 35/53

CP2: 50 reps of all movements


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