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Train and Gain

Allie getting after some heavy front squats! Photo- Oscar Bravo


Training Wednesday - Thursday

warm up: 7 min flow

4/side plank T rotations

6/side single leg glute march

8 double crunch

20-30sec kneeling quad stretch (sitting on ankles)


Use this as a chance to push some heavier weights on the front squat and to practice HSPU for next week's Leaderboard wod Diane!

Every 1 min for 30 mins, alternating between:

5 Front Squats

7 Handstand Push-ups

Walking Lunge, 50 ft

14 Alternating Single Leg V-ups

Rest 1 min

Focus on quality movement for each station - clean crisp reps!

Comp team group if you did front squats yesterday, do some light-ish deadlifts for this wod

HSPU can be strict, kipping, deficit, scaled ROM, wall walks or modified wall walks

ttb or ghd situps fine to sub for v ups, can hold db for lunges


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