Truth and Reconciliation Day
Hello Team,
As you may know, Friday Sept 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day will mean different things to each individual, but in general is a day for reflection, recognition and education. This year, we are running classes as usual with the goal of raising money for an organization that is doing outstanding work with Indigenous youth.
We will be collecting cash donations all day on Friday, which Vic City will donate to Thunder Indigenous Rugby. Thunder Rugby is a locally founded organization that promotes rugby for Indigenous youth, hosts annual tournaments, and funds opportunities for teams to travel and experience rugby in other countries. CFVC will also donate $250 towards Thunder Rugby to support their objectives.
We have a connection to this group through Phil Mack (brother to the famous Leah Mack), who is an advocate and coach for Thunder Rugby. Phil is a longtime standout player for James Bay along with having a storied career on Canadian national 15s and 7s teams.
Friday's wod will be the workout "215 Innocent Children", created by Indigenous CrossFit athletes Roger Boyer and Kris and Kristin Sylliboy. Please come out and take on this wod in honour of all children who were lost to or survived the Residential School system, and wear orange if you have it.