Wednesday ONLY Training

Tempo Bench Press and partner style Jackie WOD today.
Reminder this programming is ONLY for today and Thursday is a special Reconciliation Day WOD with a limited class schedule:
Thursday Classes are 6am, 9:30am, 12noon, 4pm & 5:15pm
WARMUP: 3 rounds
10 plank rotations
5/5 single leg glute bridges
20 deadbugs
Tempo Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3
rest 2 mins
Tempo Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest 2 mins between sets
WOD: Partner Jackie Style
5 rounds for time
240/200m Row
12 Thrusters (75/55)
8 Pull-ups
Go relay style with a partner! 5 rounds each partner
Aim for thrusters unbroken and pullups in 1-2 sets
FG2: 35/45, assisted pullups
FG1: training bar, ring rows
CP1: 16 thrusters, 8 CTB
CP2: 20 thrusters, 14 CTB
CP3: 75/115 x 12, 6 bar or ring MU