Virus Clothing Order
Hey Vic City,
We are preparing to make a Virus clothing order. This is slightly different than buying from the clothing we have in stock. We are doing a pre-order on Virus pants and Virus hoodies, to ensure that everyone that is interested gets the style and size that they are after. There are 2 hoodie styles - a zip up and pullover. For the pants, women have the option of two styles, and men have two colour options.
Interested in getting some new Vic City, Virus apparel, just follow these simple steps:
1) Head into the gym, and ask a coach about the clothing binder. In the binder there are pictures of the Virus products that you can choose from.
2) If something interests you, and you wish to place an order, take one of the order forms from the binder.
3) Fill out the order form (carefully) and return it to a coach with cash for your entire order.
All orders are due by Monday, April 24th with the goal of having all the clothing screened and ready to represent prior to Regionals.

Training Monday - Tuesday
Warm-up: 2 rounds of "Cindy" then:
"Roxanne" burpee warm up - 1 burpee every time you hear "Roxanne"!
Skill: Strict Pullup 5-3-1-5-3-1 E90s
Work up in difficulty each drop in reps. Second 5 harder than first 5, same for the 3's and 1's
WOD: GroundOG
This is a classic couplet style workout designed to be short but pack a punch! Choose a weight that you can reliably cycle fairly quickly. 10 min time cap.
Rx: 21-15-9 of Ground to overhead (75/115) and SD Box Jumps
TG: 15-10-5, scale movements as needed
FG: 55-65/75-95, scale box jump height
Comp: 95/135, 24/30" jumps (can drop down off top but no rebounds)