New Coaches!
Hey all,
I already firmly believe we have the best coaching staff of any CrossFit gym that I know of. Our crew not only can talk the talk, they can walk the walk, whether it is on the CrossFit competition floor, golf course, or rugby pitch!
I'm excited to announce though that our team has just gotten even stronger with the addition of two very talented people - Mike Gotuaco and Sara Vis.
Mike smashing last year's swim wod at Prospect Lake (Oscar Bravo photo)
"Mike G" as he is known around the gym comes from a long background of athletics, including freestyle snowboarding at an extremely high level. He really turned up his CrossFit focus last year and was one of our strongest athletes in the Open 2017. Add to that his professional persona of Dr. Michael Gotuaco, D.C. (Chiropractic) and you have a pretty accomplished individual. Mike will bring his unique perspective of healthcare and knowledge of the human body to his coaching and we're super excited about the possibilities!
Sara is definitely at home on the platform!
Sara Vis is an athlete known for impeccable form on both olympic lifting and gymnastics skills. With a background of coaching both weightlifting focused classes and CrossFit, Sara will help you refine your movement patterns with her confident and accurate cues. Adding to her coaching expertise, Sara is pursuing her Registered Massage Therapist designation, furthering her understanding of the human body and interactions with different forms of therapy and training.
These two will be integrated into coaching over the next while, as they shadow existing coaches, learn our systems and procedures, and begin to know you guys a bit better. Join me in welcoming them to our coaching team and helping them get fully integrated into their new roles!
Training Monday - Tuesday
Warm-up: Shuttle run and plank!
Grab a partner, one person runs, the other planks... 1, 2, 3, 4 laps each person. Focus on controlled breathing while holding the plank.
Skill- for QUALITY: Thruster 5 x 3 E90s
Take the bar from the floor or from a rack, build as you go!
WOD: Tabata Cindy Rotations
In this wod, you use the Tabata protocol (20s work, 10s rest) and apply it to the movements in Cindy.
Perform 20 sec of pullups, rest 10 sec, then 20 sec of pushups, rest 10 sec, then 20 sec of squats. Rest 10 sec then start the second round. Your total score is your LOWEST number of reps for each exercise combined!
Rx: 8 rounds through, strict pullups, reg pushups
TG: 4 rds, ring rows, modified pushups
FG: 4-6x, assisted strict pullups
Comp: add weight vest, still strict pullups