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PUSH Week and Decals

Hey gang,

Next week, we're embarking on another PUSH week. During these weeks, we post a different workout every day. Every member can come in and take each wod on to get a unique and challenging boost to their fitness!

Each wod will have an Rx and Scaled option for you to pursue. This particular PUSH week will feature wods from the last two PUSH weeks - so that you can work hard to beat your prior scores!

All scoring will be done through BEYOND THE WHITEBOARD, so if you're not registered, then get on there ASAP! Go to, click sign up and enter our code (VICC014) to join our gym... it's free!

At the end of the week, we will crown our PUSH week Kings and Queens in both the Scaled and Rx divisions... up for grabs are the following prizes:

1st place: $30 Vic City Gift Card, shirt, and decal

2nd place: $20 Vic City Gift Card, decal

3rd place: $10 Vic City Gift Card, decal

The wods will be a bit different than our normal sequence in that you will see more individual abilities emphasized on each day (i.e. one day may be pure strength while the other is pure endurance). This will allow you to fully express your fitness in specific challenges through the week.

To accommodate people for this PUSH week, we'll add the following classes to our regular schedule:

Tuesday and Thursday 6am.

To cap off the week, we'll have a special PUSH week celebration on Saturday Feb 3 - WOD @ 10am and potluck at 11am! Visit our Facebook event page HERE to RSVP and bring a dish :)


Also, we now have some amazing laser cut decals in our store! These sharp Vic City green and white decals are perfect for your car to show your Vic City pride! They're only $6 and look super sharp.

Talk to one of our coaches to pick one up while supplies last!



WARM-UP: 2 rounds per arm: 2 Single arm KB Push Press, 4 Single arm Front Rack KB squats, 6 Suitcase carry Lunges


20-30 sec work, 1:30 - 1:40 rest x 8 rounds

Work on one or more progressions and choose a sustainable rep number:

Level 1: Wall walk hold

Level 2: HS hold

Level 3: Scaled ROM hspu

Level 4: Full ROM hspu


Named for "Double Overhead Walking Lunge"

This is a no-score rotating EMOM with the goal of simply practicing movements. This will allow a bit of recovery from the very tough workout "Ascension" while still moving our fitness forwards!

Rx: 30 sec work, 30 sec rest for 5 rounds (15 min) of the following stations:

1. Pullup (kip, ctb, strict)

2. OH walking lunge

3. Double unders

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