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Monday Training

Happy Canada Day Weekend!!

TRAINING MONDAY ONLY - Classes at 9:30am and 5:00pm!

WARM UP: Rotating EMOM x 3:

1. Row 40 sec

2. Empty bar back or front squats 40 sec

3. Wall walk 40 sec

WOD: Partner Badger

Badger is a hero workout dedicated to U.S. Navy Chief Petty Office Mark Carter, who was killed in operations in Iraq in 2007. Usually done solo, we are going to take it on partner style. Team up with someone who will be moving at the same pace as yourself and at the same scaling level, and get after it!

Rx: 3 intervals each person of: 20 squat cleans @ 65/95, 20 pullups, 400m run. One person completes all the work then tags the next person.

FG2: Scale cleans to 45-55/65-75, Jumping pullups

FG1: 15 reps on each exercise, 200-300m run

CP: 75/115, 6/10 bar or ring MU, 400m run

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