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Beat the heat tip!

Hey all, it's pretty hot and humid right now to say the least. We've popped on the AC quite a bit in the classes, but it can still be pretty humid and hot in the gym.

Here's a little tip that I used while doing Bikram Yoga that you can put to work in prep for our tough CrossFit workouts.

Fill a PLASTIC shaker cup to about 2/3 with water and pop it into the freezer overnight (or at least enough time for it to freeze completely. Leave the lid off and don't overfill!

Take it to work with you and pop it in the freezer there, or if you swing by home, grab it on your way.

About 20 minutes before, fill the rest of the container with cool water or drink of your choice. Over the course of the class, the ice will melt but you will have a wonderfully cool drink to sip on to keep your temperature down.

Give it a shot, a sip of cold drink might be just what you need in the middle of a tough workout!




WARM UP: 3 rounds - 12 KB deadlifts, 10 walking lunges, 8 hanging knee raises

WOD: choose your adventure!

Today, we have three choices for your workout. They are similar in many ways but allow for a bit of wiggle room in terms of which movement you want to work on. All three are meant to be short and intense!

Option 1: "Isabel"

Rx: 30 Snatches for time (95/135)

FG2: 75/115

FG1: 55-65/75-95

Option 2: "Elizabeth"

Rx: 21-15-9 of Power Cleans (95/135) and Ring dips

FG2: 75/115 and Banded ring dips

FG1: 55-65/75-95, Jumping ring dips

Option 3: "Grace"

Rx: 30 clean and jerk for time (95/135)

FG2: 75/115

FG1: 55-65/75-95

Cash-out: Run 600 - 1200m at moderate pace

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