CrossFit Vic City's Games Night
Hey Vic City,
A couple of weeks ago we had a small group head over to Galey Farms for a fun evening of Halloween activities. I understand that event didn't appeal to everyone, so in an attempt to socialize with members outside of our regular class, we will run a variety of gatherings that aren't overly fitness related.
The next social gathering on the calendar will take place on Saturday, November 24th from 6:30pm to 9pm and it will be a "Games Night" at Vic City.
Do you have a favourite board or card game that you love, but are tired of playing with your family? Are you sick of getting beat on the WODs but you know you can out smart your buddy at cards? Here is your chance! Put it in your calendar and enjoy a few hours of non-fitness related fun.
Join the event page on Facebook and post your favourite game. If we get a large crew to come out, we can split up and play multiple games.
No cost associated, bring your significant other, and hopefully we'll see you there!

The Crew from our Galey Farms gathering.
Training Wednesday - Thursday
Warm-Up: Rotating EMOM9
20-30 second handstand/plank hold
15 Dowel OHS
10 Light DB Power Clean
WOD: "Air Assault"
In Teams of 4, accumulate as many calories as possible in 32 minutes, rotating every 30 seconds
Rx: 16 rounds, 0:30 on 1:30 rest