Diane is HERE

Diane is here, we have spent the last 2 months working up to this WOD and practicing the building blocks of this classic benchmark workout!
Have a plan and Stay steady, consistent and focused on the task at hand!
Here is a great video of 2 different people with different levels of Crossfit skills attacking Diane.
3 Rounds
250m Row
5 Pushups to T-Rotations
10 Russian KB Swings
WOD "Diane"
Rx: 21-15-9 of Deadlift (155/225) and Handstand Push-ups
FG2: Scaled ROM HSPU
FG1: Scaled ROM, DL (125/185)
TG: HR Pushups, Scale Bar as needed
CP1: strict hspu, DL 185/255.
CP2: 15-10-5 deficit kip hspu (1x45lb/2x45lb), DL 205/315
5 x 200-400m runs
rest 1 minute