Kelowna - based Brent Fikowski is one of the favorites for this year's Crossfit Games!
With all the drama and excitement surrounding last weekend's competition, the REAL DEAL CrossFit Games just kind of crept up on me.
I have been looking forward to watching the Games for a long time - there's a very different format for the competition and much more diversity in terms of the countries represented.
The Games kicked off today, and with a couple of events down for the individuals, the field has been whittled down to 50 men and 50 women. These athletes will continue to compete through the weekend to earn the title of the fittest man and woman in the world!!
There will be an unknown number of events coming up, so the athletes have to be prepared for whatever the weekend will bring.
This is what makes the CrossFit Games one of THE most exciting events in the world - the game itself is constantly changing and there is almost no limit to the type and complexity of the challenges that the athletes may face.
Head over to to catch all the action, live streamed and archived! You will not be disappointed!
2 Rounds with partner
P1 250m Row
P2 Plank (high or low)
10 min to find 5 Rep Max Strict Press
Directly into...
15 minutes to 5 Rep Max Back Squat
RX 4 rounds for time:
14 pullups, 7 burpee box jumps (20/24)
FG Banded Pullups
TG Ring Rows, Burpee Step Ups, Scale box height if needed
CP1: 14 UNBROKEN Ctb pullups (add 7 burpee box jumps to next set every time you break), 7 burpee box jumps (24/30)
CP2: 7 bar MU into 7 CTB (can be broken), 7 bbj (24/30)