Barbell Saturday!

Hey all, what a great party last night for our New Year celebration... tons of people came out, the coaches threw down, and the food from the Spice Aid food truck was excellent!
There were some excellent wods generated by you guys, with the eventual winner being designed by Kiel Horan. It was a 10 minute amrap of 20/30 cals on the assault bike (buy in) then rounds of 30 double unders, 20 goblet squats, and 10 strict pullups. It was great to see the coaches get after it together!
I can't wait to have another get together sometime soon, thanks for all your support.
Saturday brings the opportunity to work with a heavy barbell in the clean and jerk complex followed by a "lighter" barbell in a fast paced team workout.
Focus on tight technical execution in the cleans and jerks, hopefully transferring the jerk practice we've been doing to nice solid lifts.
For the metcon, choose a barbell that you can move unbroken through most of the rounds but that will still be very tough to do so by the end. Move quickly and encourage your teamies, it should be a burner!
Clean and Jerk (3 cleans + 1 jerk)
14 min to work up to a heavy complex in a team of 3 (SCORE 1 - add all of your best weights together)
5 rounds each person for time in relay format (20 min cap) - SCORE 2
10 shoulder to overhead (75/115)
10 back squats (75/115)
5 bar hop burpees
FG2: 55-65/75-95
FG1: scale bar weight as needed, regular burpees
CP1: 105/155, burpee box jump
CP2: 125/185