HERO wod Saturday

U.S. Air Force Security Forces 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton, 24, of Monroe, Ga., assigned to the 6th Security Forces Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., was killed September 8th, 2009, while on a mission near Baghdad, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. Helton is survived by his mother, Jiffy Helton
Warm-up: 500m row or 1200 bike, then 2 rounds of 8 slow goblet squats, 6 pushups, 4 vertical jumps
Skill: Front Squat (Practice)
6 x 5 E2M @ 65-75%
Rx: 800m run, 30 KB squat cleans (35/53), 30 burpees.
FG3: 26/44
FG2: 600-800m run, 35/53 single KB Tater
FG1: 400m run, Tater, scale weight and burpee reps as needed.
CP1: DB squat cleans (from the floor - 35/50) * this is the full crossfit.com "rx"