Steady On

Hello all,
With lots of info streaming in from all possible social media platforms, we are moving ahead with our plan as per the email I sent out late last week.
If you did not receive the email, please let us know via our main email address ( and we will get it sent to you.
Referring to both provincial and federal sources, the most common contraction of COVID 19 is from overseas travel. If you have traveled internationally, you MUST keep yourself out of the gym for the now recommended 14 days, even if symptom free.
Other items of importance - bring your own towel in, refrain from body contact, and keep a 1m distance from people. Wipe down your equipment and wash your hands before and after being at the gym.
If you are concerned at all or have symptoms, please stay home and let us know! We will help in any way we can to support you and provide training advice if needed.
If the government mandates that businesses shut down then we will of course follow those guidelines. If this is the case we have a contingency plan for keeping your training going through any potential shut down.
Stay healthy and see you soon!
3-4 rounds with a bar or dowel - 4 muscle snatches, 6 back squats (rest in between rounds)
SKILL: Power Snatch + OHS: 2 reps E90s x 8, build slowly
WOD: "Half Jackie"
Short and intense, if you've scaled right, try to go for unbroken!
Rx: 500m row, 25 thrusters (45lb), 15 pullups
FG2: 35/45
FG1: Scale bar as needed, jumping pullups
CP1: 55/75, ctb pullups
CP2: 65/95, bar MU
4-5 sets, not for time -
2-5 strict pullups or 4-10 ring rows, 8/leg KB single leg romanian dl