Canada Day Track Day

Next week is Canada Day and it will be our first holiday WOD since reopening after all the new Covid-19 regulations at the gym.
With that usually our holiday WODs are quite popular and we want to make sure we get as many of you out as possible and of course taking all precautions to keep us all safe.
So we are taking ourselves to the Oak Bay track on Wednesday July 1st next week for a Holiday WOD session there. Allowing us to keep our social distance and be outside!
We will start at 8:00am, in order to allow for those who participate to go home, and get ready for the day of festivities.
I have put a class as a General Event/Class on Push press for those that are interested in coming so please reserve a spot there. Registration for this is open now so go get your spot now!
See you in the gym.
Coach G.
3 rounds
25 jumping jacks
5/5 slow single leg deadlifts (no weight)
5 pushups
15-20sec bar hollow hold
Alternate Every 90sec for 12mins
6 Handstand Pushups
6 Toes To Bar
“double couplet”
For Time:
3 rounds
15 Floor Press (135/95)
15 box jumps (24/20)
3 rounds
15/10 pull-ups
10 Front Squats (135/95)
Scale up: heavier barbell, chest to bar pullups
Scale down: lighter barbell, box step ups, inverted bar rows