2021 Rogue Invitational

All Canadian and all awesome... Pat Vellner
It's been a while since the CrossFit Games or any real large scale Crossfit competition has happened... but the wait is over with TWO big deal comps coming your way. There's something about seeing the best in our sport / activity take on legit challenges that gives us extra juice in our own training, so I'm definitely looking forward to catching the livestreams of these events.
First up (this coming weekend) is the Rogue Invitational. Last year this was held virtually and I got a chance to judge Pat Vellner (the winner!) up close and personal in Nanaimo. This time around, it's face to face and it's going to be epic, with a full spectrum of Games level competitors from around the globe. This includes the winners from this year's games, Justin Medeiros and Tia Clair Toomey.
The livestream will be available on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm EST. Tune into the link below to watch. The events have been released also and there are some great challenges to see the best in the world take on!
The Dubai CrossFit Championships will follow up the Rogue Invitational, but is a little ways away, kicking off in mid December. Stay tuned for more details on that as we get closer to the date. The spicy thing about that competition is the return of Ricky Garard, a CrossFit Games second place finisher who just finished serving his 4 year ban for using PEDs... so we now have a "heel" to root for or against!
Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing some straight forward solid face to face competition!
8-10-12 reps of
plate floor to overhead (smooth and slow)
Squat with single arm overhead reach (total reps)
Ring row or barbell row
20 minutes to build to a heavy triple bench press and a heavy single strict pullup. Look to alternate exercises every 90 sec or so and build as you go, starting with some EASY sets to warm up before getting into bigger jumps in weight.
Try to use the time effectively however if you hit your maxes early, then back off the weight a bit and do some easier technique sets to build strength for next time.
Keep your effort low to moderate, especially if you end up doing this piece first. Work on quality motion that is pain free!
5 rounds through on an EMOM timer:
18/14 Row Calories
16 Box Step-ups, 20/16 in
16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
16 V-ups