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Early Week Easy Midweek Hard

Ricardo lightspeed rowing! Photo - Oscar Bravo


With the MURPH challenge approaching at the end of the month, we've got a nice bit of prep coming at you midweek. You'll be able to take on the full Murph workout but split the work 50/50 with a partner... getting you some good practice at pacing your rounds of Cindy, as well as some running volume.

Monday Tuesday this week features a strength and EMOM combo, that you can push if you want, or use it as "base" training for later. If you've been training regularly and hard, I would recommend working on quality of execution on mon tues and then hitting race pace effort for the Murph prep.

Our weeks are planned in such a way to help guide you through waves of higher and lower intensities, and don't overlook the fact that the lower intensities are valuable in "building" fitness.

The higher intensity days need to be performed at or near maximum effort for best results, and you can only do that if you have other days that are lighter.

Keep fit and see you soon




WARM UP: 10 min -

6 laps shuttle run (12 lengths)

4/side front plank with alternate arm raise (keep hips steady with feet wide)

6/side lying alternate leg hug to chest


Build to a heavy single


Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between:

10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 50 ft

16 Alternating V-ups

16/12 Row Calories

Rest 1 min


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