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Friday Night Lights - Save the Date!


I know it's been a while, and it's definitely time we got together to throw down a solid FNL wod together. The date for this one is Friday August 12, and it will feature an epic partner wod, which we'll hopefully tackle all together or at most in two heats.

This way, you'll get to throw down the workout, recover, and hang out with your buddies around some pizza and a nice fizzy drink (alcoholic or non alcoholic). What's even better is that the pizza is going to be sponsored by our very own Sean Tiernay... so all the slices will be free :) Bring cash for your drink and you'll be set to go!

The evening will run like this -

5:30pm show up

5:30-5:45/6 - warm up, set up, and logistics

6-7 - WOD!

7-8:30 - Pizza, drink, and chill :)

You can show up with a partner already decided, or show up solo and we'll pair you up! Either way it will be a fun workout experience, and even more fun after hanging out with your buddies.

You can register for this event in the Push Press calendar booking - just go to Aug 12 and you can register right away! Please register by Wednesday Aug 10 so we can make sure we have enough pizza and drinks to go around.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you all, throwing down, and catching up!

See you Aug 12.




WARM UP: 3 rounds

30 single skips or 15 jumping jacks

15 plate floor to overhead

2/side samson stretch

Strength Endurance

Tabata Deadlift, 185/125 lbs

Tabata Strict Handstand Push-up

The Tabata interval is 15 secs of work followed by 45 secs of rest for 6 intervals. Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

tech notes

Treat this as technique work under fatigue - aim for smooth controlled reps as opposed to maxing out reps for each movement. This will be 6 sets for each exercise and they make each other harder, so be ready for that! All scaling - adjust weight of barbell and difficulty of hspu as needed


5 rounds for time of:

Assault Bike, 600/500 m

30 Double Unders

15/10 Hand Release Push-ups

tech notes

Tough combo here, try to reduce shoulder fatigue on the bike so that you have some juice left for the doubles and pushups!

FG3: 15 DU per round + 15 singles

FG2: 60 singles per round

FG1: 30 singles

CP1: Muscle up into 15 ring dips

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