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Six Week Summer Shape Up!


I've had some good conversations lately with members about how to get going on a nutrition plan. Most people know generally what to do but are lacking a bit of structure and accountability. Individual nutrition coaching works really well, but I figure that if we work together (like in a CrossFit class) we can build even more momentum.

With those thoughts in mind, I've created a 6 week program that will give you the knowledge, tools, and community to get you moving forward with your nutrition and body composition goals :) From working with multiple people of all backgrounds over the past couple of years, I can say that building healthy and sustainable nutrition habits will positively impact ALL areas of your life!

The six week program is an add on to your current Vic City membership, and includes the following:

  • pre-post Body Composition scan courtesy of Victoria Body Composition ($126 value)

  • twice weekly nutrition tips via email

  • Facebook community group

  • custom recipe packs ($99 value)

So there's a LOT of value in there, and I think the Facebook group will help bring people together and help them share recipes, progress, questions, and more!

You'll be able to book your Body Composition scans anytime within 2 weeks of the start and finish of the program, and it's a 30 minute appointment that you can squeeze into your week :) This part is optional, but it provides some great objective info for you!

The program kicks off on May 29 and runs until July 9, so get registered today.

All of this is on offer to Vic City members for $99! Non members can sign up for the above program PLUS 3x/wk Fundamentals membership for $249! So if you know someone who wants to join up, forward them the links below. The same offers are available for people looking for some training outside of CrossFit by checking out our partner gym - Just Move Fitness & Nutrition - which offers Spin classes and Functional Fitness Circuits.

Vic City Members - Register HERE

Non Vic City Members - Register HERE

I look forward to helping you reach your fitness, health and body composition goals, so let's get after this together!

Cam Birtwell MSc CSCS

NASM Certified Nutrition Coach



WARM UP: 2 rounds

Row 400

25' walking lunge

10 double crunch

25' walking lunge


Hang Power Clean 5

Bench Press 5

Weighted Pull-up 5

Take 45 min to get 5 rep max efforts in each movement. Make sure you have a spotter for the bench press! Hang power cleans are unbroken (can't put the bar down during the set). For assisted pullups, work down in assistance as you go to a solid effort. USE MORE ASSISTANCE THAN YOU THINK YOU NEED FOR THE FIRST FEW SETS! Can also do progressively harder ring rows as a sub.


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