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Tempo squats for technique and strength

Tempo squats are tough... they take some of the momentum out of the movement, and force you to focus on technique and balance as opposed to speed carrying you through. Take a look at the video for a bunch of reasons for using tempo squats and some tips for performance!


WARM UP: 3 rounds

Assault bike 300m

6 cossack squats per side

3 inchworms


Tempo Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Build as you go. Go E2M

Tempo is 4 seconds eccentric, 1 sec pause in bottom, fast up with perfect posture! Adjust weights lighter as this will be tougher than a usual set


Alt EMOM 20 mins: High Box Jumps, Strict Press, Barbell Rows, and Wall Balls

Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between:

5 High Box Jumps

10 Strict Press, 95/65 lbs

15 Barbell Rows, 95/65 lbs

20 Wall Balls

Rest 2 mins

Adjust reps as needed for the presses and rows, your relative strength may vary between the two movements


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