Photo: Oscar Bravo
It was touch and go there for a while with the announcement today. No one knew if there would be a continuation of the gym closures or if the restriction would be lifted... and thankfully, it was the latter!
The past month has been rough all round, but as always, we are so thankful for you all and how resilient you have been through this whole process. I believe that training hard and being fit helps us all through both the "easy" times and the "tough" times - we are mentally and physically more resistant to stress... but everyone has their limit, and I feel as though many of us were close to it!
On a more optimistic note, we'll be back training inside as of the first class on Thursday morning (Jan 20). We will be returning to our schedule as it was prior to this most recent lockdown, so stay tuned for the online class bookings to be updated.
Here are some important points in terms of maintaining safety around Covid inside the gym
As always, monitor for symptoms. These may be mild as the vaccine tends to reduce the severity of Covid. If you have any symptoms, contact the relevant health authority for guidance, and don't bring them into the gym (the symptoms, not the authority :).
Wear your mask to enter the gym and when you leave your workout area. You can remove your mask while exercising and while you are in your training grid.
Although we are allowed to have a higher capacity, we are going to book classes with up to 10 people. We feel this is a safer bet and also allows each person a spot on one of the rigs for squats, pullups, etc. If you do not feel comfortable grabbing a spot on a rig, you may use one of the movable squat racks.
Please maintain your distance at all times, including after class. If you head outside for some air, space yourselves out as opposed to grouping closely.
Continue to spray your cleaning towel and then wipe your equipment.
Rowers can be used inside, however we will keep bikes outside for now.
Coaches will be wearing masks for the whole session.
Work hard, have fun, get ready for the Open!
That's it. I know that our coaching crew is looking forward to getting back inside and I want to take a second to thank them for their dedication to the outdoor workouts. It's not easy standing out in the rain or cold for up to 3 hours, let alone showing up early to get all the equipment ready and to prep the area. We are truly fortunate to have an outstanding group of people who coach for us!
Any questions or concerns, email crossfitviccity@gmail.com
We're looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Cam and the Vic City Coaches
WOD 1:
27 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs 27 Hand Release Push-ups 27 Air Squats
21 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs 21 Hand Release Push-ups 21 Air Squats
15 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs 15 Hand Release Push-ups 15 Air Squats
9 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs 9 Hand Release Push-ups 9 Air Squats
Scale deadlifts as needed. Pace yourself on the pushups, they will add up quickly!
rest as needed
WOD 2:
27 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 27 Row Calories
21 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 21 Row Calories
15 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 15 Row Calories
9 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 9 Row Calories
SUB in the bike if your back is prone to getting lit up! FG: can scale row cals to 21-15-9-3 and scale wallball weight CP2: heavy ball