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Rika laying down a blistering row! Photo: Oscar Bravo

Thank you everyone for your patience in extending the deadline and awaiting these results! This was an outstanding competition in terms of the hard work that was put in and how close many of the event scores and final placings were!

We had ties for total points and podium spots in three divisions! Mens scaled, men's rx, and men's CP all had to go to who had the higher number of higher placings in wods to get the tiebreak sorted. In the women's divsions, many close points races were evident as the ladies jockeyed back and forth through the varied workouts.

One thing I really liked in this sequence of events was that there was a lot of mixing of placings throughout the workouts. This gave people with specific skills the chance to shine in their "wheelhouse" events while the rest tried to keep up.

Here are the results, please let me know if I've made any mistakes!

CP Men

Coming out on top after a tie break and only 1 point separating 1st and 3rd, is Chris Van Steelandt. He held off strong challenges from Coach Phil, Tony, and Josh... even securing a first place row... but by the slimmest of margins!

Scaled Men

Mathijs was incredibly strong across all events, grabbing 5 first places and holding off Geoff and Jordan. These latter two gents tied in overall points, going back and forth each event, with Jordan getting the tie break due to two first places!

Scaled Women

On the strength of 3 first place finishes (including one in the 1500m row by .06 seconds!) Natalie took the top spot in this group. Hot on her heels was Rachel, only 2 points back and a strong overall effort by Remee rounded out the top 3.

Mens Rx

A great battle amongst 7 tough dudes in this group! Rob Z (24 reps on that front squat wod) ended up tying Stephen (205 reps of toes to bar and du!) on points but took the win due to more first place finishes. In third place with an epic row and great results across the board was Kyle O!

Womens Rx

The ladies came to play on this one, with a tight race from 3rd to 5th - only 4 points apart! Megan P repeated her champion run from last games with a first place, followed by a strong challenge by Michelle B. Sam rounded out the podium, and completed the MOMsquad top three!

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who competed, it was awesome to watch your effort and dedication! I hope you all enjoyed the challenges and feel better prepared for the Open.

Podium finishers can pick up their prizes this week, just chat with a coach and grab the following gear! Well done all!

First place male and female in each division:

1 Syndicate Weight Belt + Blonyx Egg Protein + Vic City Decal

Second place male and female in each division:

1 pair of Vic City socks + Vic City Decal + Half off any supplement

Third place male and female in each division:

1 pair of Syndicate wrist wraps + Vic City Decal




WARM UP: alternating EMOM x 4 each:

1st minute: 1 samson stretch / side, 5 bird dogs per side

2nd minute: 2 x through the barbell complex for the strength piece (can add weight as you go)

***2 min rest then start the complex***


1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Thruster X 6 Sets.

Go E2M

Push hard on this! Aim for a max by the 5th set and hold or drop down for set 6


work through at moderate intensity (7-8/10) and get some quality reps in without going to max

In 17 mins do:

BUY IN: 30 Handstand Push-ups 40 Toes-to-bars

then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:

16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs

8 Burpee Box Jumps

16 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, 50/35 lbs

coaches stagger start (i.e. when first group is done hspu and onto ttb, start the second group).

fg3: scaled rom hspu or 30 single arm push press with db (50/35)

fg2: hand release pushups, hanging knee raise, db weight 20-25/35-40, can do step ups onto box

fg1: scale movements as needed

CP1: 50 hspu, 50 ttb to start


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