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WHAT EXACTLY IS CROSSFIT, THOUGH?CrossFit is the sport of all fitness. We take the BEST elements of all forms of functional fitness to create a potent and efficient workout. Training at CrossFit Vic City improves your strength, power, cardiovascular fitness, exercise stamina, flexibility, range of movement, agility, speed, and balance, along with changing your body composition. You can transfer these fitness improvements into your work, sport, or everyday life!
IS CROSSFIT BAD FOR YOU?This is probably one of the greatest misconceptions about CrossFit. CrossFit is a very effective form of strength and conditioning training that uses a range of movements and training principles to condition your body. So, why does it sometimes get a bad rap? This is because people assume that CrossFit workouts increase your likelihood of injury. But like any other workout program, you choose to do, poor form and incorrect training can lead to injury. Our expert CrossFit coaches will guide you to developing and refining your technique inside of our progressive and well thought out training program. We also integrate beginners slowly by offering personal training sessions and our innovative Fundamentals training sessions.
DO I HAVE TO BE IN SHAPE TO START CROSSFIT?You can start training at CrossFit Vic City with any level of fitness! Each workout we do can be scaled up or down to challenge each members current fitness level. Many people who are just starting their fitness and health journey work with us in our personalized training sessions to practice movements and build up strength and stability. We also offer our fantastic CrossFit Fundamentals sessions, which emphasize slower technique development and scaled workouts! If you have a current or prior injury that needs to be strengthened, we offer personalized training sessions to further prepare your body for our workouts (once your physician/chiro/physio/AT signs off!).
HOW DO I START CROSSFIT IN VICTORIA BC?Good question! We offer a free 1-1 Consult for you to come in and see the gym and get a bit of movement in. We also can connect with a quick phone call so you can ask any questions about how to get started with us and which program will be best for you. Every month we have special trial membership options, so look out for those on our social media or on our website. Grab a buddy and try us out... and once you love us, sign up for a membership!
WHAT IS A TYPICAL CROSSFIT CLASS LIKE?Each one of our classes starts with your coach breaking down the training for the day. Then you'll do a group warm up to get your heart rate up and muscles and joints ready. After the warm up, your coach will discuss and demonstrate any skill or strength work for the day. Then you'll take that on as a group. The workout of the day (or WOD) is typically the last element of the session. WODs vary in length, style, and can be individual or partners/teams. This is where most of the fitness benefits come from in CrossFit, and is also the most energetic and fun. After class, you'll clean up equipment, fist bump your buddies, hydrate a bit, and hang out til you're ready to head home to recover!
DOES CROSSFIT VIC CITY HAVE BEGINNER CROSSFIT WORKOUTS?Yes! Our Fundamentals sessions are meant for people who are new to CrossFit. You'll learn the movements at a slower pace, and there are workouts that can be scaled up or down to any fitness level. We also offer 1-1 and semi private training options to give your body the prep it needs to ease your entry into full CrossFit training. Set up a free 1-1 session or call to see what will be the best path for you!
WHAT GEAR OR CLOTHING DO I NEED FOR CROSSFIT?Your usual workout clothing that stretches and breathes, plus any athletic shoes are what you need to start training with us. Shoes that have firmer soles can help provide stability when lifting weights, with brands like Reebok, Nike, and Under Armour offering CrossFit-specific or general training shoes that will work well. As you get more into training, your own skipping rope, olympic weightlifting shoes, and gymnastics grips (to protect your hands when doing pullups and toes to bar) may help optimize your peformance, but certainly aren't necessary to enjoy all of the benefits of CrossFit workouts!
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